Evaluation Report of the World Fertility Survey
INDEXPageABBREVIATIONS....X PART 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. First Objective.....XIII B. Dissemination and Utilization ....XVII C. Second Objective.....XIX D. Third Objective....XXI E. Financial and Organizational Matters ...XXII F. The Future of WFS....XXIII Part 2 GENERAL REPORT I. INTRODUCTION......1 A. Definition of WFS ....1 B. Previous Evaluations ....1 C. Terms of Reference......2 D. The Missions' Comments on the Terms of Reference....11 E. Composition of the Evaluation Mission .....11 F. Itinerary for the Evaluation Mission.....12 G. Acknowledgments .....13 II. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES OF WFS .....15 A. Origin of the Program .....15 1. Status of Fertility Research Before the WFS....15 2. Need and Justification for WFS Program.....16 B. Objectives, Priorities, and Strategies.....16 1. Objectives....16 2. Strategies for Achieving Objectives....18 III. ORGANIZATIONAL ASPECTS OF THE WFS PROGRAM.....20 A. Headquarters .....20 1. WFS Committees and Consultants .....21 2. WFS Professional Staff ....22 B. Country Participation....24 C. Operating Procedures.....32 D. Survey Organization....33 E. Coordination......35 1. Coordination Between Administrative and Professional Staff......35 2. Coordination Between ISI/WFS and U.N. and Funding Agencies.......35 3. Coordination Between WFS and Other Institutions....37 4. Coordination in the Second-Stage Analysis.....37 IV. INPUTS.....38 A. Scope of Support to the Program......38 B. Procedures for Provision of Funds......40 C. Headquarters Costs.......42 D. Costs of Country Surveys....48 E. Complementary Support to the Program....50 V. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE PROGRAM.....54 A. Sampling Procedures....54 B. Questionnaires, Survey Procedures, and Basic Documentation....56 1. Review of Documentation.....58 2. Strengths and Weaknesses of Survey Instruments.....58 3. Validity of Key Questions....59 4. Modification of Questionnaire During Project....60 5. Soundness of Technical Guidelines in Survey Manuals...61 C. Data Processing and Archives...61 D. Production of the First Country Report....63 VI. EXECUTION OF NATIONAL SURVEYS.....65 A. Nature, Character, and Significance of WFS Assistance...65 B. Implementation of Survey Procedures....65 1. Modifications of WFS Procedures....67 2. Appropriateness of WFS Methodology for Less Developed Countries....68 3. Problems in Applying the WFS Methodology....68 4. Improving the Application of Procedures...70 VII. ANALYSIS.....71 A. Evaluative Analysis....71 B. Illustrative Analysis......72 C. Second-Stage Analysis.....74 D. Comparative Analysis.....77 VIII. BUILDING THE NATIONAL CAPABILITY.......82 A. Contribution to Survey-Taking Capability.......82 1. Contribution to Survey-Taking Leadership........83 2. Building a Corps of Middle- and Lower-Level Survey Personnel..............83 3. Contribution to Survey-Taking Capacity of Organizations Other Than the Executing Agency......84 B. Contribution to Data Processing Capability.......84 C. Contribution to Analytical Capability.........85 IX. DISSEMINATION OF SURVEY RESULTS............87 A. National Meetings.............87 B. Limits of WFS Participation in National Dissemination Activities.........88 C. ' Actual and Potential Audience for WFS Survey Results.......88 D. Libraries in the WFS Depository System..............89 X. USE OF WFS SURVEY RESULTS..91 A. Use of WFS Findings for National Population Policies.......91 B. Use of WFS Data for Population Projections........92 C. Use of WFS Data for Evaluation and Implementation of Family Planning and Health Activities......92 D. Future Use of WFS Survey Materials......93 E. Use of WFS Data in Teaching and Research......93 F. Use of WFS Data by International Agencies....94 XI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS........95 XII. CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE FUTURE.......96 PART 3. COUNTRY REPORTS A. Country Report on the Dominican Republic.........101 1. Introduction..........101 2. The "Encuesta Nacional de Fecundidad de la Republica Dominicana"..............101 3. Use of Fertility Survey Data.......102 4. Dissemination of Fertility Survey Data............103 5. Increase in National Capabilities for Survey Work........103 6. The Second-Round Fertility Survey.........103 7. Local Views on Release of National WFS Data.....104 8. Local Views on Future Fertility Surveys....105 9. Comparative Analysis.........105 10. Local Views on the Future of the WFS..............105 B. Country Report on Mexico.............107 1. Introduction....................107 2. Departmental Responsibility for Conducting the Mexican Fertility Survey...........107 3. Country Contribution...........108 4. WFS Assistance in Sample Design and Questionnaire Adaptation...................108 5. Use and Adaptation of Modules............108 6. Timetable of the EMF...............108 7. Survey Problems..............108 8. Contribution to Building Survey Capability.....109 9. Further Analysis of EMF Data..........109 10. Dissemination and Publications............109 11. Utilization........................110 12. Local Views on Future Fertility Surveys........110 13. Comparative Analysis...............111 14. Local Perception of the Future Role of the WFS.........111 C. Country Report on Jordan..............113 1. Introduction.......................113 2. Previous Censuses and Surveys in Jordan.........113 3. The Jordan Fertility Survey (JFS).............114 a. The Decision to Participate in WFS.........114 b. Organization and Objectives of the Survey..........114 c. Survey Design....................114 d. Survey Manuals, Pretesting, and Training..........115 e. Main Fieldwork and Quality Control.........116 f. Data Processing...................117 4. Inputs by WFS, UNFPA, and Governments..............117 a. WFS Staff Contributions.....................117 b. Cost of the Survey......................118 5. The Survey: Its Impacts and Its Future.............119 a. Validity of the Survey........119 b. Increasing the Survey Capabilities of DOS c. Dissemination of JFS Results..........120 d. Impact of JFS on Policy Decisions........120 e. Prospect of Implementation of a Population Policy...121 f. Further Analysis of JFS Data......121 g. Fertility Surveys and Future Demographic Studies......122 D. Country Report on Kenya....123 1. Introduction.................123 2. The Kenya Fertility Survey.........124 3. National Capability for Surveys............125 4. Further Analysis at Population Studies and Research Institute.................125 5. Validity of KFS Data............126 6. Dissemination................126 7. The Ministry of Health and Use of KFS Data.......127 8. Use of KFS Data in Plans for Development............128 9. Future Fertility Surveys..............128 E. Country Report on Nepal....129 1. Recruitment into Program.....129 2. Problems Associated with Survey Agreement.......129 3. Departmental Responsibility for Conducting the NFS....129 4. Country Contribution......130 5. Existing Survey Expertise and Fertility Knowledge.....130 6. Anticipated Benefits and Anticipated Survey Problems.....130 7. WFS Assistance in Sample Design and Questionnaire Adaptation........130 8. Use and Adaptation of Modules......130 9. Arrangements and Assistance for the Various Stages of the Survey...........131 10. Sample Coverage............131 11. Survey Problems..............132 12. New Data Produced by the NFS.............132 13. Contribution to Building Survey Capability..........133 14. In-Country Use of Data and Experience for Teaching, Training, and Fieldwork...............133 15. Benefits to Survey Capabilities of Other Institutions....133 16. Publicity of NFS Results............134 17. Use of Data by FP/MCH for Policy..........135 18. Use of Data in Development Programs..........135 19. Use of Data for National Population and Social Policies...135 20. Use of Data by International Aid Organizations....136 21. Local Opinion on the Validity of Data....136 22. Local Views on Future Fertility Surveys.....136 23. Locally-Perceived Need for Continued Technical Assistance for Fertility Surveys.........137 29. Comparative Analysis......149 30. Training for Analysis.....149