Occasional Papers No:17
INDEXFOREWORD1 INTRODUCTION 2 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Portability: The Utility of Portable Measures of Sampling Variation 2.2 The Use of Roh and Deft for Imputation 2.3 Calculation of Roh Values 2.4 Formulas 2.5 Variability of Computed Sampling Errors and the Need for Averaging 2.6 Strategies for Sampling Error Computation 3 SUMMARY OF RESULTS FROM EIGHT SURVEYS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 South Korea Fertility Surveys (1971 and 1973) 3.3 Taiwan: General Fertility Survey (1973, KAP-4) 3.4 Malaysia: Survey of Acceptors of Family Planning (1969) 3.5 Peru: Urban and Rural Fertility and KAP Survey (1969) 3.6 United States Fertility Surveys (1955, 1960, 1965 and 1970) REFERENCES