Occasional Papers No:25
INDEXPREFACE1 DESCRIPTION OF THE CELADE SEMINAR Introduction Objectives of the Seminar Organization of the Seminar Research Topics In-service Training Evaluation of the Seminar Copies of the Reports 2 Summaries of the Seminar Monographs Colombia Edgar Baldion, Socio-De mo graphic Factors Relevant in the Study of Infant Mortality and its Association with Fertility Elsa Gomez, Family Formation and Female Labour Force Participation in Colombia Panama Laura Gougain, Fertility and Female Labour Force Participation in Panama Federico Guerra, Determinants of Infant Mortality in Panama Paraguay Juan Schoemaker, Female Labour Force Participation and Fertility in Paraguay Peru Nelly Mostajo, Women's Attitudes to Fertility and the Use of Contraceptives Hector Ramos, Infant Mortality and Maternal and Infant Care in Peru Flor Suarez, Family Formation and Female Labour Force Participation in Peru