The World Health Report 2003
INDEXMessage from the Director-GeneralOverview Stronger health systems: the minimum requirements Core values for a global health partnership Chapter summaries Chapter 1 Global Health: today's challenges The global picture Life expectancy improves - but not for ali Global mortality patterns Surviving the first five years of life Child mortality: global contrasts Child mortality: gender and socioeconomic differences Child survival: improvements for some Causes of death in children Adult health at risk: slowing gains and widening gaps Global patterns of prematüre mortality risk Adult mortality trends: 15-59 years of age Adult mortality: widening gaps HIV/AIDS: the leading health threat Mortality and disease among older adults The growing burden of noncommunicable diseases Injuries - a hidden epidemic among young men Non-fatal health outcomes Chapter 2 Millennium Health Goals: paths to the future International commitments at fbe Millennium Summit A compact to end poverty New concepts of poverty and development The interaction of health and development Progress and prospects The other side of the compact: Goal 8 Trade Development assistance Debt The Millennium Development Goals in practice Who owns the MDGs? How flexible is the approach? How pro-equity are the MDGs? Measuring progress Reproductive health Health systems strengthening The MDGs and WHO Defining the place of the MDGs in WHO Working with others Accelerating progress Chapter 3 HIV/AIDS: confronting a killer The HIV/AIDS epidemic: a brief overview A new disease emerges The current situation The true toll of HIV/AIDS Responding to HIV/AIDS: lessons from the past 20 years Integrating HIV prevention and care Integrated prevention and care: success stories Setting a new agenda A human rights approach Dimensions of good HIV/AIDS control WHO's work in the HIV/AIDS fight Investing in good HIV prevention and care An emergency response to a global emergency Chapter 4 Polio Eradication: the final challenge A new kind of partnership Effectively engaging political leaders Finding the funds Finding the people Prospects for a polio-free future Scaling up the delivery of health services Chapter 5 SARS: lessons from a new disease The first cases Origins and international spread Detection and response The impact of SARS Lessons learnt Chapter 6 Neglected Global Epidemics: three grovving threats Cardiovascular disease: the need to act The causes are knovvn ' Policies are available Acting now and measuring progress Tobacco control: strengthening national efforts Guiding tobacco control National policies and programmes Building national capacity Integrating tobacco control into health systems Road traffic hazards: hidden epidemics Sharing responsibility for safety Mobilizing action Injury prevention, safety and treatment Integrating road safety with broader policies Chapter 7 Health Systems: principled integrated care The core principles of primary health care Enduring principles in a changing environment Principles in a systems perspective The global health workforce crisis Size, composition and distribution of the health woıkforce Workforce training Migration of health workers Paying more and paying differently Improving quality: workers and systems Responding to the workforce crisis Health information: better but not good enough The evolution of health information An information system driven by primary health care Improving information systems The Health Metrics Network Financing health systems Developing sustainable financing Unblocking system bottlenecks Pro-equity health systems: government's central role Patterns of inequitable access to care The goal: universal access Government stewardship, community involvement Building systems based on principles: WHO cooperation with countries Statistical Annex Explanatory notes Annex Table 1 Basic indicators for ali Member States Annex Table 2 Deaths by cause, sex and mortality stratum in WHO regions, estimates for 2002 Annex Table 3 Burden of disease in DALYs by cause, sex and mortality stratum in WHO regions, estimates for 2002 Annex Table 4 Healthy life expectancy (HALE) in ali Member States, estimates for 2002 Annex Table 5 Selected national health accounts indicators: measured levels of expenditure on health, 1997-2001 Annex Table 6 Selected national health accounts indicators: measured levels of per capita expenditure on health, 1997-2001 List of Member States by WHO regi©n and mortality stratum lndex Tables Table 1.1 Leading causes of death in children in developing countries, 2002 Table 1.2 Leading causes of disease burden (DALYs) for males and females aged 15 years and över, worldwide, 2002 Table 1.3 Leading causes of mortality and disease burden (DALYs) among adults, worldwide, 2002 Table 2.1 Health-related Millennium Development Goals, targets and indicators Table 3.1 Coverage of adults in developing countries with antiretroviral therapy, by WHO region, December 2002 Table 6.1 A stepwise approach for prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases Table 7.1 Availability of death registration data - number of countries by WHO region Figures Figüre 1.1 Life expectancy at birth: developed and developing countries, 1955-2002 Figüre 1.2 Age distribution of global mortality: developed and developing countries, 2002 Figüre 1.3 Distribution of disease burden (DALYs) by age group and region, 2002 Figüre 1.4 Child mortality in the six WHO regions, 2002 Figüre 1.5 Differences in child mortality in three developing countries according to socioeconomic status Figüre 1.6 Changes in child mortality rates by WHO region, 1970-2002 Figüre 1.7 Countries with large absolute reductions in child mortality since 1970 Figüre 1.8 Disease burden (DALYs) among adults (aged 15 years and över) by broad cause, selected epidemiological subregions, 2002 Figüre 1.9 Adult mortality: probabilities of death between 15 and 60 years of age by cause, selected epidemiological subregions, 2002 Figüre 1.10 Trends of adult mortality by sex, selected epidemiological subregions, 1970-2002 Figüre 1.11 Age-standardized rate of years lived with disability (YLDs): developed and developing countries, 2002 Figüre 3.1 Trends in age-adjusted rate of death from HIV infection, USA, 1987-2000 Figüre 3.2 HIV/AIDS: episodes in an evolving epidemic Figüre 3.3 Trends in the cost of ARV drugs and the number of people in therapy, Uganda, 1997-2002 Figüre 4.1 Endemic polio in 1988 and mid-2003 Figüre 4.2 Global Polio Eradication Initiative: financial support 1988-2005 Figüre 4.3 Global action plan for the laboratory containment of wild polioviruses, February 2003 Figüre 5.1 Probable cases of SARS worldwide, 7 August 2003 Figüre 5.2 Probable cases of SARS worldwide, 1 November 2002-11 July 2003 Figüre 6.1 Deaths attributable to 16 leading causes in developing countries, 2001 Figüre 6.2 Projected tobacco-related mortality patterns Figüre 7.1 Relationship between births accompanied by skilled attendants and number of health professionals, 33 developing and transition countries Figüre 7.2 Inequality in health spending and incomes by region, 2001 Figüre 7.3 Distribution patterns of health care deprivation, Uzbekistan, Turkey and Niger Boxes Box 1.1 Sentinel vital registration in the United Republic of Tanzania Box 1.2 The African crisis of child mortality Box 1.3 Population ageing Box 1.4 The burden of mental ill-health Box 2.1 Progress towards the Millennium Development Goals - the case of Uganda Box 2.2 Child survival - turning knowledge into action Box 2.3 Fighting maternal mortality - making pregnancy safer Box 2.4 Millennium Development Goals in eastern Europe Box 2.5 Assuring quality of drugs for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria Box 3.1 HIV/AIDS in the European Region Box 3.2 Accompagnateurs: an example of AİDS care in resource-poor settings Box 4.1 Progress toWards polio eradication in the Eastern Mediterranean Box 4.2 Responding to the challenge of polio eradication in South-East Asia Box 4.3 A public-private partnership for polio eradication Box 5.1 The response to SARS in the Western Pacific Region Box 6.1 Measuring progress: integrated surveillance of noncommunicable disease risk factors Box 6.2 Examples of successful tobacco control strategies Box 6.3 Tobacco and the Western Pacific's schoolchildren Box 6.4 A low-cost road safety strategy: speed bumps in Ghana Box 7.1 The European Observatory on Health Care Systems Box 7.2 Primary care in a changing environment: the "health houses" of the Islamic Republic of Iran Box 7.3 Rebuilding Iraq's health sector Box 7.4 Training assistant medical offîcers: the tecnicos of Mozambique Box 7.5 Creating a skilled workforce for tomorrovv Box 7.6 The Observatory of Human Resources in Health Sector Reforms Box 7.7 Reliable and timely information for health Box 7.8 Community health reforms in the Tiwi Islands Box 7.9 Building partnerships for health in Sudan