Genus Volume XLV -n. 3-4
INDEXGRAZIELLA CASELLI - ANTONIO GOLINI - RICCARDO CAPOCACCIA, An Adjusment to the Italian population age structure of the 1971 census..........1KEMPE R. HOPE, Managing rapid Urbanization in the third world.some aspects of policy.... 21 ROSSELLA PALOMBA - CORRADO BONIFAZI - ADELE MENNITI, Demographic trends, population policy and public opinion.. . . . 37 JACQUES LEGARE, Infant mortality among the Inuits (Eskimos) after World War II......... 55 RAYMOND ROY - MANON DECLOS - GERARD BOUCHARD -JEAN MATHIEU, The reproduction of families effected by the myotonic dystrophy gene in the Saguenay (Quebec) population, 1885-1971..............65 ASHRAF U. -AHMED, Socio-economic determinants of age differences between spouses in Bangladesh ....83 STELLA O. BABALOLA, Fertility attitudes and behaviour among primary school teachers in Ibadan..... 97 MARIA CRISTINA SOFFRITTI - PIA GRASSIVARO GALLO, The age at menopause in a woman sample from Bassa Modenese (Italy), its secular trend: and its connections with the working activity,... 113 NOTES AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS ABDEL-ILAH YAAKOUBD, Some problems of use of new United Nations model life - tables......... 125 NITAI C. DAS, A note on the estimation of marriage rate from census data..............143 MADUGBA I. IRO, Projecting Igbo population to the year 2000 and beyond............ 153 BOOK REVIEW FONDAZIONE G. AGNELLI, Abitare il pianeta . Futuro demograjgo, migrazioni e tensioni etniche, vol. I I1 Mondo Araba, Europa, Edizioniwdella Fondazione G. Agnelli, Torino, 1989(R.G. Rubino).........165 ALFONSO VEGARA - ALBAN D'ENTREMONT, Introducciön al analisis demografico. Un enfoque para urbanistas, Ed. Taner de Ideas, Madrid, 1988 (F. De Palma)....... 167 BENJAMIN GIL, (with the assistance of J.K. Ronoh), The Kenia Civil Registration Demonstration Project (CRDP). A Strategy for a Rapidly Developing Country in Africa, Department of the Registrar General, Nairobi, 1989 (D. Maffio1i)......................;............ 169 MARGARET ALIC, L 'ereditâ dı' Ipazia. Donne nella storia delle scienze daIPantichitâ all 'ottocento, Editori Riuniti, Roma, 1989 (E. LOmbardo)....... 170 MARZIO BARBAGLI, Provando e riprovando. Matrimonio e divorzîo in Italia e in altri paesi occidentali. Il Mulino, Bologna, 1990 (G.B. Sgritta)..........172 INFORMATION......... 175 BIBLIOGRAPHY......... 179 NOTES ON AUTHORS........ 181