Genus Volume XLVIII -n. 3-4
INDEXKAREN OPPENHEIM MASON, Culture and the fertility transition:thoughts on theories of fertility decline....1 JOHN H. POLLARD - EMIL J. VALKOVICS, The Gompertz dıstrıbutıon and its aplications.... 15 SAW SWEE-HOCK, Muslim divorce trends and patterns in Singapore ........29 PURUSHOTTAM M. KULKARNI, Impact of mortality decline on marital duration and len tho ost-dissolution life at different divorce levels ..... 45 JAMES D. TARVER, Lifetime migration to the major cities of the United States, Asia, and Africa ............ 63 HANS-PETER BLOSSFELD - ALESSANDRA DE ROSE, Educational expansion and changes in entry into marriage and motherhood. The experience of Italian women ......... 73 JACQUES SILBER, Ine ualit in mortalı' : measurin the contributions various causes of death ....... 93 DHINESH PANICKER, Economic develo ment and fertility : an emprical analysis using cross-national data ....109 ABU J .M. SUFIAN, Determinants o. contrace tive knowled e and family planning services ın Bangladesh ...... 119 JOHN A. BALLWEG - IMELDA G. PAGTOLUN-AN, Determinants of child mortality: a Philippine study ......129 T.R. BALAKRISHNAN - ZHENG WU, Regional pattern of nuptiality and fertilty in Canada. 1921-1986 ..... 151 CHRISTIANA E.E. OKOJ IE, Women 's status and fertility in Bendel State of Nigeria.........173 Letter to the Editor: Nathan Keyfiti and Antonio Golini comment on the article by Jon Anson (Genus, vol. XLVIII, No. 1-2) .......193 INFORMATION.........195 BINLIOGRAPHY..............197 NOTES ON AUTHORS ......... 199