Value of Children in Turkey
INDEX1-- INTRODUCTION----------------1II- RESEARCH PROCEDURE The Pilot Study ---------------------------- 10 The National Survey ----------- 10 Questionnaire --------------------------- 12 Intervîewer Selection and Training ---------------- 13 Fîeld Work ---------------------------------- 1 5 Screening, Relisting and Coding ------------- 18 Sampling ------------------------------------ 18 III- GENERAL DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ---23 Age and Age at Marriage ---------------------- 23 Education -------- 2 4 Occupation ---------------------- 25 Income ------------------------------- 26 Family Type and Mobility ---------- 26 Parity, Desîred and Ideal Number of Chi1dren------- 27 Basic Value& and Sex Rcles --------------- 29 Internal vs. external control ----------- 39 Family dynamics------------------------- 31 Women's occupation and status ---------- 33 IV- MAJOR FINDINGS ----------35 Hypotheses 1- 11 ------------------------------ 36 1- values of Children (vocs) ------------------ 38 2- Costs of Children -------------- 44 3- Socio-Economic Development and VOCS ---------- 47 4- Socio~Economîc Development and Opportunity Costa of Children -------- 58 5- Parity and VOCs ----------------------- 60 6- Parîty and Costs of Children ----------------- 62 7- VOCs Attributed to Sons and Daughters ------ 63 8~ Woman's Status, VOCs and Boy Preference ------- 69 9- VOCs and Ferti1ity ----------------------- 70 10- Woman's Status and Fertility ---------- 82 11- Development and Fertility ------------- 86 V- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ---------91 Policy Implications ------------97 BIBLIOGRAPHY ------------------- 128