The State of the World's Children 1986

Book : The State of the World's Children 1986

Author : * James P Grant

Language : English

Library : Child Labor

Publish Place : New York, USA

Publish Date : 00 1986

Publisher : UNÄ°CEF

Book Type : Book

Book Number : 7920


Immunization: 1
a new surge forward

Immunization: 2
a new surge forward (cont.)

Turkey: 3
to immunize 5 million o

El Salvador: 4
children - a zone of peace

Colombia: 5
a child survival plan

Burkina Faso: 6
a vaccination commando i

Dominican Republic: 7
reaching every home

Bolivia: 8
reducing child deaths i

Egypt: 9
leading the world on ORT

Brazil: 10
vaccinating 20 million

Pakistan: 1 1
isaving 100,000 lives

Nicaragua: 12
child deaths down 30%

Indonesia: 13
one million health workers

Somalia: 14
protection in emergencies

Ethiopia: 15
the silent emergency

Bangladesh: 16
visiting 5 million homes

Nigeria: 17
going nation-wide

Sri Lanka: 18
reaching the poorest

Haiti: 19
ORT reaches the maiority

India: 20
towards a polio-tree Madras

Thailand: 21
PHC in practice

Iodine: 22
protecting the mind

The Code:23
a progress report

Parasites: 24
the damage to growth

Population: 25
less deaths -less births

Vitamin A:
story ot a breakthrough