British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1984.1
INDEXContentsThe liquid barrier filter: total protection against particulate contaminants W D SEUFERT, FRANCE BESSETTE, AND G LACHIVER Identification of occupational mortality risks for Hanford workers G W KNEALE, T F MANCUSO. AND ALICE M STEWART Job related,mortality risks of Hanford workers and their relation to cancer effects of measured doses of external radiation G W KNEALE, T F MANCUSO. AND ALICE M STEWART Mortality of workers potentially exposed to organic and inorganic brominated chemicals, DBCP, TRIS, PBB, and DDT O WONG, W BROCKER, H V DAVIS, AND G S NAGLE Incidence of cancer among vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride workers S STORETVEDT HELDAAS, SL LANGARD, AND • A ANDERSEN Occupational exposure to hydrazine and subsequent risk of cancer N WALD, JILLIAN BOREHAM, R DOLL, AND J BONSALL Mortality experience of glass fibre workers H S SHANNON, M HA YES, J A JULIAN, AND D C F MUIR Malignant mesothelioma: incidence, asbestos exposure, and reclassification of histopathology W E WRIGHT. R P SHERWIN, ELIZABETH A DICKSON, L BERNSTEIN, JANINE B FROMM, AND B E HENDERSON A spin label study of the effect of chrysotile asbestos on erythrocyte membranes E GENDEK, G BARTOSZ, AND W LEYKO Occupational asthma from nickel sensitivity: I Human serum albumin in the antigenic determinant J DOLOVICH, S L EVANS, AND E NIEBOER Occupational asthma from nickel sensitivity: II Factors influencing the interaction of Ni2+, HSA, and serum antibodies with nickel related specificity E NIEBOER, s L EVANS, AND J DOLOVICH Characterisation of textile dust extracts: I Histamine release in vitro J S DOUGLAS AND PAMELA G DUNCAN Characterisation of textile dust extracts: II Bronchoconstriction in man J S DOUGLAS. PAMELA G DUNCAN, AND EUGENIJA ZUSKIN Extrinsic allergic alveolitis in the tobacco industry M S HUUSKONEN, K HUSMAN, J JARVISALO, O KORHONEN, M KOTIMAA, T KUUSELA, H NORDMAN, A ZITTING. AND R MANTYIARVI Pulmonary granulomatous reaction: talc pneumoconiosis or chronic sarcoidosis? P TUKIAINEN, J NICKELS. E TASKINEN, ANDMNYBERG Respiratory function in tea workers ECGENIJA ZUSKIN AND ZDENKA SKURIC Changes in respiratory variables of grain handlers and civic workers during their initial months of employment I BRODER, M A HUTCHEON, S MINTZ, G DAVIES. A LEZNOFF. P THOMAS. AND P COREY Respiratory exposures associated with silicon carbide production: estimation of cumulative exposures for an epidemiological study T J SMITH, s KATHARINE HAMMOND, F LAIDLAW, AND S FINE Pulmonary effects of exposures in silicon carbide manufacturing J M PETERS, T J SMITH, L BERNSTEIN, W E WRIGHT, AND S K HAMMOND In vitro macrophage cytotoxicity of five calcium silicates V SKAUG, R DAVIES. AND B GYLSETH Effects of impulse noise and continuous steady state noise on hearing S MANTYSALO AND J VUORI Symptoms of vibration syndrome and radiographic findings in the wrists of lumberjacks H HARKONEN, HILKKA RIIHIMAKI, S TOLA,T MATTSSON, M PEKKARINEN,A ZITTING,AND K HVSMAN X ray anomalies occurring in workers exposed to vibration caused by light tools J VAN DEN BOSSCHE AND DLAHAYE Notice: Correction: Reversibility of skeletal fluorosis (November 1983) Isolated liver damage in chemical workers M D0SSING AND L RANEK Information section ASTMCODEN:BJIMAG41(1) 1-148 (1984) ISSN 0007-1072 British Medical Association Tavistock Square London WC1