British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1985.7
INDEXContentsEditorial Solvent neurotoxicity Mortality among members of a heavy construction equipment operators union with potential exposure to diesel exhaust emissions O WONG, R W MORGAN, L KHEIFETS, S R LARSON, AND M D WHORTON Comparison of SMR, PMR, and PCMR in a cohort of union members potentially exposed to diesel exhaust emissions O WONG, RW MORGAN, LKHEIFETS, AND SRLARSON Compensation, radiographic changes, and survival in applicants for asbestosis compensation W O C COOKSON, A W MUSK, J J GLANCY, N DDE KLERK, R YIN, R MELE, NG CARR, BK ARMSTRONG, AND MST HOBBS Nasal cancer in the textile and clothing industries LOUISE A BRINTON, W J BLOT, AND J F FRAUMENI JR Raised mortality from lung cancer and high sex ratios of births associated with industrial pollution OL LLOYD, G SMITH, M M LLOYD, Y HOLLAND, AND P GAILEY Mutagenicity studies in a tyre plant: in vitro activity of workers' urinary concentrates and raw materials R CREBELLI, A PAOLETTI, E FALCONE, G AQUILINA, G FABRI, AND A CARERE Female reproductive health in two lamp factories: effects of exposure to inorganic mercury vapour and stress factors F DE ROSIS, SP ANASTASIO, L SELVAGGI, A BELTRAME, AN0 G MORIANI Respiratory impairment in coffee factory workers in the Asaro Valley of Papua New Guinea D SMITH, KAREN BROTT, AND GKOKI Byssinosis in Hong Kong S G ONG, T H LAM, CM WONG, PL MA, SK LAM, AND F J O'KELLY Correspondence Book review