British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1986.7
INDEXContentsEditorial Cadmium and the kidney R R LAUWERYS AND A M BERNARD Cohort study of mortality of vermiculite miners exposed to tremolite J C MCDONALD, A D MCDONALD, B ARMSTRONG, AND p SEBASTIEN Radiological survey of past and present vermiculite miners exposed to tremolite J C MCDONALD, P SEBASTIEN, AND B ARMSTRONG Prevalence of radiographic asbestosis in crocidolite miners and millers at Wittenoom, Western Australia W O C M COOKSON, N H DE KLERK, A W MUSK, B K ARMSTRONG, J J GLANCY, AND M S T HOBBS Sickness absence and duration of service in the Post Office 1982-3 S J SEARLE Trinitrotoluene: assessment of occupational absorption during manufacture of explosives B H WOOLLEN, M G HALL, R CRAIG, AND G T STEEL Respiratory diseases in hard metal workers: an occupational hygiene study in a factory Y KUSAKA, K YOKOYAMA, Y SERA, S YAMAMOTO, S SONE, H KYONO, T SHIRAKAWA, AND S GOTO Effect of hard metal dust on ventilatory function Y KUSAKA, Y ICHIKAWA, T SHIRAKAWA, AND S GOTO Joint effect of occupation and nationality on the prevalence of peptic ulcer in German workers A SONNENBERG AND J HAAS Cancer mortality among leather tanners C EDLING, H KLING, U FLODIN, AND o AXELSON Specific causes of death in miners and ex-miners of the Rhondda Fach 1950-80 L K ATUHAIRE, M J CAMPBELL, A L COCHRANE, M JONES, AND F MOORE Short report Occupational mycoses SHI ZHICHENG AND LEI PANGCHENG Correspondence Bright red blood of Bhopal victims: cyanide or MIC? A G SALMON Quantitative relations between exposure to respirable coalmine dust and coalworkers' simple pneumoconiosis in men who have worked as miners but have left the coal industry w K C MORGAN Book review Notices