British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1987.2
INDEXContentsEditorial Epidemiology and the prevention of occupational asthma KMVENABLES Respiratory effects of a single saturation dive to 300 m J E COTES, I S DAVEY, J W REED, M ROOKS Ventilatory function in rubber processing workers: acute changes over the workshift M GOVERNA, M COMAI, M VALENTINO, L ANTONICELLI, F RINALDI, E PISANI Determinants of respiratory symptoms in insulation workers exposed to asbestos and synthetic mineral fibres P ERNST, S SHAPIRO, R E DALES, MARGARET R BECKLAKE Pulmonary fibrosis in asbestos insulation workers with lung cancer: a radiological and histopathological evaluation H M KIPEN, RUTH LILIS, Y SUZUKI, J A VALCIUKAS, I J SELIKOFF Sickness absence at the French National Electric and Gas Company A CHEVALIER, D LUCE, C BLANC, M GOLDBERG Effects of 50 Hz electric currents on vigilance and concentration B T STOLLERY Occupational risks for renal cancer in Sweden s K MCL..UGHLIN, H S R MALKER, B J STONE, J A WEINER, BIRGITTA K MALKER, J L E ERICSSON, W J BLOT, J F FRAUMENI JR Leukaemia in benzene workers: a retrospective cohort study S-N YIN, G-L LI, F-D TAIN, Z-I FU, C JIN, Y-J CHEN, S-J LUO, P-Z YE, J-Z ZHANG, G-C WANG, X-C ZHANG, H-N WU, Q-C ZHONG Does atopy have any predictive value for laboratory animal allergy? A comparison of different concepts of atopy A J M SLOVAK, R N HILL Estimation of long term exposure to mixed solvents from questionnaire data: a tool for epidemiological investigations ANNE T FIDLER, E L BAKER, R E LETZ Information section