Unicef News
INDEXP-3 Lives Saved . . . And a New Health Idea is Accepted byMali's Nomads. A successful measles immunization cam- paign among the Peul nomads convinced Dr. Pascal James Imperato, presently First Deputy Health Commissioner of New York City, that it is a fallacy to believe that nomads will not absorb changes into their traditional lifestyle. P.1O A Precious Piece of Land for lndia's Landless Labourers. A pledge by the Indian Government to give each landless labourer a piece of his own land is the beginning of a series of reforms to improve the lives of millions of these rootless, disadvantaged people, according to Trevor Drieberg, a free-Iance Indian journalist. P.16 Farmers and Fishermen ...A New Way of Life for SomaIia's Nomads. Drought-ravaged and overgrazed rangelands have forced many nomads to change their way of life. William Campbell of UNICEF's Nairobi Office describes how the Somali Government is resettling large numbers of nomads in areas where they can start a new life as farmers and fishermen. P.23 New Lands, New Life in Paraguay. Journalist Agostino Bono writes about the growing numbers of Brazilians who are uprooting themselves and resettling in Paraguay where new, cheap land is attracting them. Despite many problems caused by the heavy influx of people, the colonists look forward to building a better life for themselves and their children. P.27 Bringing the Bedouins in From the Desert. The promise of an education for their children is an important reason why many Egyptian bedouins are settling down in Marsa Matrouh. Health services and land where cash crops can be grown are among the other attractions, reports Donald Allan, Chief of the Information Division in the UNICEF Office for Europe.