Population Reports
INDEXHIGLIGHTS-One TV for every five people 3 -TV and videos grow, film industry changes 4 -Pros and cons of using TV, video, and Film 4 -Can mass media alter behavior? 7 -Most approve family planning messages in mass media 8 -Mass-media campaign increases vasectomies in Brazil 12 -Philippine songs and videos urge sexual responsibility l6 -The "Enter-Educate" concept 17 -Turkish women respond to TV campaign 18 -More Africans watch TV 19 -Video is a valuable asset for teachers and trainers 23 CONTENTS -Viewing Trends 3 -Advantages and Limitations 4 -Latin America and the Caribbean 9 -Near East and North Africa 18 -Africa 19 -Building a TV, Video, or Film Project 24 -Bibliography 3O