British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1988.6
INDEXContentsOccupational factors and the incidence of cancer of the bladder in Canada H A RISCH, J D BURCH, A B MILLER, G B HILL, R STEELE, O R HOWE Symptoms, ventilatory function, and environmental exposures in Portland cement workers H L ABRONS, M R PETERSEN, W T SANDERSON, A L ENGELBERG, P HARBER Allergy and occupational exposure to hydroquinone and to methionine D CHOUDAT, F NEUKIRCH, P BROCHARD. G BARRAT. J MARSAC, F CONSO, M PHILBERT Occupational asthma in a mineral analysis laboratory A W MUSK, S PEACH, G RYAN Back pain, back abnormalities and competing medical, psychological, and social factors as predictors of sick leave, early retirement, unemployment, labour turnover and mortality: a 22 year follow up of male employees in a Swedish pulp and paper company N-E ASTRAND, S-O ISACSSON Neurobehavioural effects and pharmacokinetics of toluene in rats and their relevance to man R KISHI, I HARABUCHI, T IKEDA, H YOKOTA, H MIYAKE Electroneurographic findings in patients with solvent induced central nervous system dysfunction P 0RB/EK, I ROSEN, K SVENSSON Vibration elicited vasoconstrictor reflex in Raynaud's phenomena N OLSEN, O U PETRING Determination of pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase (P5N) activity in whole blood as an index of lead exposure T SAKAI, T ARAKI, K USHIO Diagnostic tests in Raynaud's phenomena in workers exposed to vibration: a comparative study N OLSEN Correspondence Cotton workers and the Manchester criteria P C ELWOOD Notices